99/100 exports I do in FL studio work totally fine, no issues at all. The very few times I had rendering issues was with specific plugins and rendering with "wrap remainder" enabled.
Few ideas why your exports might sound different from how it sounds in fl is:
- you're clipping the master. I don't know how this works exactly anymore since I have ozone limiter on the master, but if you go above 0 in fl studio, it sounds fine, but will change on export.
- low bitrate mp3 exports changes frequency range. be sure to exports at 320kbps
-"enable insert/master effects" unchecked in exports, these should be checked.
If you can share a screenshot of your render settings it might clear some things up! Hope it can be fixed because your tracks are great! So if they're held back just by export settings, that's a shame.
I've noticed that on my songs too, I've often just thought of it as "well the rendering process compresses everything, so that's normal!!!" but maybe it isn't.